Romanian students have moved on from NASA research. They returned home the grand prize at international competition

14.06.2012 19:05

Romanian students, winners of the grand prize in NASA Space Settlement Contest have been returned to Romania. Together with an American team, managed to impress a NASA space settlement project. For this project, have worked for three months, during which they attended high school courses Tudor Vianu.

The 10 Romanian students have returned home with first prize in the competition organized by NASA.

"It was an absolutely unique experience, I had the opportunity to meet students from around the world that have the same passion as me, I met important persons in aeronautics, astronauts have FST per month, based on Adrina, I had the opportunity discs to listen to some people who have managed to establish itself in this area. It was a spacecraft that is able to accommodate 19,000 people and which one can build in the future. And will be an alternative to earth, "said one Romanian participants in the contest
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The students were accompanied to the United States coordinating teacher. Orbital space station project, made ​​by high school students from Tudor Vianu was supported by the Foundation Dan Voiculescu.